MTV takes the prevention of transmission of Covid-19 very seriously.
As part of our screening process we require the responsible adult to confirm that they will not allow their child(ren) to attend MTV Youth, Hampton if they answer yes to any of the following screening questions:
- Have you been in contact with anyone with or suspect of having COVID-19 in the last 48 hours? YES / NO
- Has anyone in your household had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 2 weeks? YES / NO
- Have you been advised to self-isolate due to an infection within another setting, such as a school? YES / NO
- Does the child have a new persistent cough? YES / NO
- Does the child have any loss of taste or smell? YES / NO
- Does the child have a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius? YES / NO / I do not have a thermometer
- If you do not have a thermometer, do they feel unusually hot or cold or have a fever/shivers? YES / NO
Should your child answer yes to any of the above questions you must not let your child attend MTV Youth, Hampton.
Please also note that on arrival we will take your child’s temperature using an infra-red thermometer. They will also be asked to confirm that they have been screened and are safe to attend that session.
The COVID-19 screener at each event reserves the final right to decide on a young member’s participation.
Please also ensure your child’s medical conditions are made clearly known on the parental consent form. This includes updating the club about any underlying health conditions your child has that would put them at further risk should they contract COVID-19? For example, Cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic kidney or liver disease, compromised immunity diseases, obesity of BMI 40+ etc.
What happens if the participant does not pass the pre-session screening process at home?
We want to ensure everyone takes the necessary precautions to keep each other safe. If the participant does not pass the screening process at home then they must not attend the session.
What happens if the participant does not pass the pre-session screening process at the venue?
All screening questions at the venue should have been passed during the preparation checks before leaving home. If the participant does not pass the screening process at the venue then they cannot attend the session and must leave the site immediately.
If the temperature test is failed at the venue we will take a further temperature check after a few minutes to double-check the reading is correct.
Will participants remain 2m apart at all times?
We will do our best to put precautions and instructions in place.